Scan the QR Code

When you generate a temporary PIN using the QR code, it is like sharing a secret about your account that only you and WS_FTP Server know. The QR code (or, alternatively the text key) is used to spawn a temporary PIN for you.

Before you begin, you need an authenticator app installed on your smartphone or mobile device.


Scan the QR Code

  • Open an authenticator app (Google Authenticator or equivalent) on a trusted device.
  • Choose 'add' , then choose Scan a Code .


Get the Generated Verification Code

The authenticator app generates a temporary PIN for WS_FTP Server. This PIN is your verification code.

Authenticator apps refresh the temporary PIN automatically. It is best to use it right away.


Enter the Verification Code

Type the verification code into the Enter Verification Code text box and click Verify.

The multi-factor handshake is complete.

You verified your identity to WS_FTP Server by two distinct methods.

Use the Text String Key (Can't Scan the Code)

If your smartphone is low on charge or its camera does not work, you can share the shared secret with the authenticator app as a string of characters.

  1. Click Show key link.

    WS_FTP Server presents the text string key you can use instead of the bar code.

  2. On your smartphone or mobile device, with Google Authenticator open, click '+' and then chose Enter a provided key.
  3. Type the key displayed by WS_FTP Server into Google Authenticator.

    Google Authenticator generates your temporary PIN. This is your WS_FTP Server Verification Code.