Use Database Notification Operations (-dbnotifyops) to control the maximum number of concurrent database notifications.

Operating system and syntax UNIX / Windows
-dbnotifyops polltime
Use with Maximum value Minimum value Single-user default Multi-user default
DBS 1024 1 16
The maximum number of concurrent database notifications. The default is 16. The minimum non-zero value is 1; the maximum is 1024.

Database notifications are sent to clients from utilities that require schema updates so that clients refresh their schema cache in step with utility execution.

You may change Database Notification Operations (-dbnotifyops) while your database is online using PROMON or through the _DbParams VST. Lowering this parameter at runtime does not affect pending notifications because the parameter is used when notifications are set.

You can use this parameter to support continuous operation of the database. For more information, see Change database parameters while the database is running.