The following is an example Model file that can be modified for your environment.

    //An entry that defines how HTTP response status codes are processed by the driver.
    "#http":[ { "#code":200, "#action":"FAIL", "#operation":"SELECT", 
                "#match":"\"status\":\"error"", "#message":"{message}", },
              { "#code":200, "#action":"OK" },              
              { "#code":400, "#action":"ZERO_ROWS" },
              { "#code":401, "#action":"REAUTHENTICATE" },
              { "#code":404, "#action":"ZERO_ROWS" },
              { "#code":429, "#action":"RETRY_AFTER" },
              { "#code":503, "#action":"RETRY_AFTER" }]
    //An entry for a custom authentication request.
    "#authentication" : [    
            "credentials": {
                "username": "{user}",
                "password": "{password}",
                "company": "{customAuthParams[2]}"
        "POST http://{serverName}/bearertoken",
        "HEADER Authentication=Bearer {/access-token}"
    // A simple GET request without parameters to sample:

    // A GET request with a parameter in the path:

    // A GET request with parameters as arguments

    // A GET request with custom HTTP headers
           "#path": "",
    // A POST with parameters in the body
    "countries2": {
          "#path": "",
          "#post": {
    // A GET with paging configured 
    "products": {
          "#path": "",